Candy Exchange

Candy Exchange
At World of Smiles, Pediatric Dentistry we love the holidays as much as our children in the office do! As Halloween is approaching we want to provide a healthy and happy alternative to eating all that candy. World of Smiles does an annual candy exchange for the community. All children, patients and non patients alike are encouraged to bring in their candy and in return get a new toy or more than one depending on how much candy is brought in! The toys range from jump ropes, makeup kits, flying tops, stuffed animals and much more! It is the belief of the staff at World of Smiles that all children should be given the chance to grow up happy and free of cavities.
The candy exchange will be taking place at
World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry the first two weeks in November. World of Smiles is located at 11790 SW Barnes Rd Suite 280 Portland OR 97225. For more information or questions please call (503) 626-9700.
We hope you have a wonderfully spooky and safe Halloween and we can't wait to see you at the candy exchange.